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ScoreStream and Rise Vision Partner to Bring High School Sports Scores to K-12 Digital Signage

(November 11, 2021) –– Sports are an important part of many students’ high school experience and millions of students across the United States participate in sporting events every year. Now with ScoreStream and Rise Vision schools can broadcast the results of those sporting events on their digital signage.
“It’s great to partner with an organization like ScoreStream that shares our mission of helping schools communicate. High school sports play a significant role in many students’ lives and we hope that giving schools the ability to share the results of these sporting events will encourage more students to get involved in their school community.” – Shea Darlison, Head of Marketing, Rise Vision
With Rise Vision’s templates and ScoreStream’s fan-driven sports platform, schools can follow the results of sporting events from 25,000 schools. Rise Vision and ScoreStream have released 2 templates for schools using Rise Vision digital signage. Schools are able to show scores from across the country or filter results to their state.
“As local media outlets have declined in local sports coverage, we have made it our mission to help spread the news about local teams in local communities. We are excited to partner with RiseVision to help keep students and local sports communities up to date,” said Derrick Oien, CEO of ScoreStream.
For more information on sharing high school sports scores on digital signage, contact sales@risevision.com or start your free trial.

Rise Vision is the #1 digital signage solution for schools. Since 1992 Rise Vision has been obsessed with helping customers improve communication. Rise Vision currently serves over 3,000 schools across North America. Rise Vision makes digital signage easy by providing schools with new templates every week, over 400 so far, to keep their displays current and engaging with 99% uptime.
ScoreStream is a patented, crowd-sourcing platform for local sports coverage in real time. The ScoreStream mobile app engages fans through crowd-sourced scores, photos, video and chat from over 15,000 games per week from around the world. ScoreStream works with many major media companies in the television, radio and newspaper sectors. ScoreStream is a venture-backed start-up based in Del Mar, CA.