What does your company do?
We promote best practice and news in the unattended self-service technology space. Kiosks, digital signage, interactive signage, smart city, Point-Of-Sale (such as McDonalds QSRs and Restaurants). Menu boards for outdoor drive thru and outdoor systems in general. Small, medium and super large touchscreens and All-In-One computers from Raspberry PI to super duper Intel i9s (and Xeons). Our mission is to inform and educate. We work with the U.S. Access Board on ADA and accessibility, and the PCI SSC on EMV certifications. We monitor legal decisions impacting both. We do provide a lead service for sponsors and average 1,000 RFPs a year mainly SLED.
What’s next for your company/the industry?
In the near term it is having our annual booth at the big show NRF 2022 in New York in January 2022. We also have a booth at National Restaurant Association show in Chicago. Restaurants and fast casual are one of our core audiences.
Why did you join the DSF?
To better communicate and expand relationships in the interactive sign and panel market.
How may fellow DSF members reach you?
craig.keefner@gmail.com and 720-324-1837