Industry Events

Digital Signage Federation Upcoming Events

The Digital Signage Event


The Digital Signage Event will take a deep dive into the ever-expanding world of digital signage. This single day experience, brought to you by SCN and AVNation, brings together the industry’s foremost experts for an educational experience you won’t want to miss—plus you’ll be able to check out all of the latest digital signage technologies in our virtual…

D=SIGN Power Hour: Content Management with Multiple Users


March 23, 2021 at 1:oo PM EDT Join DSF board members and sponsor Samsung on this AVIXA produced D=SIGN Power Hour. About the Program:  Communication, security, and asset management are common concerns once you finally get your digital signage network up and running. Learn ways to successfully manage multiple users and keep your digital content…

D=SIGN Power Hour: Automated Content Delivery & Triggers

With the right content delivery and triggers, you can now provide the necessary information to buyers and customers through technology. This technology allows content creators to bring the customers into the storefront once again while providing the right message, content, and pricing if applicable. During this session, you will better understand what that message should…

Certification Week

This year marks the inaugural annual event to promote credentialing and professional development in digital signage and experiential technologies.  The three-day program which will offer the Digital Signage Certified Expert (DSCE) and Digital Content and Media Expert (DCME) certification course aligns with a greater recognition within the professional AV industry of these long-standing programs.  AVIXA…

DSF Southeast Meet and Mingle

It's been far too long since we've been able to gather together safely, so we're thrilled to announce our first in-person Digital Signage Federation event in two years! Please make plans to join us in Atlanta, GA on Wednesday, December 1st from 6 - 9 pm at the Georgia Aquarium. We will be gathering for…


design:retail Conference and Expo

A NEW RETAIL EVENT FOR A NEW RETAIL REALITY A modern event to keep pace with retail’s rapid evolution, The Retail Innovation Conference & Expo (#RICE22) will connect retail leaders with the solution providers who can help make their connected commerce vision a reality. Part of the event is the design:retail event. Learn More Partnership with the…

InfoComm 2022

Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

AVIXA offers a 20% discount to DSF members for InfoComm 2022 education sessions, council events, and show floor passes. In addition, DSF members securing an AVIXA membership (bronze, silver, or…