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Digital Signage Federation

Kym Frank Discusses Panel on Measurement for Out-of-Home at DSE

Expanding the Reach of Digital Signage

Please permit me to report (and by the way, data will validate) that what we thought in the beginnings of digital signage is still true today, lo those many years…

Context-sensitive Signage is Raising the Bar in Interactivity

Smart use of sensors is enabling the creation of context-sensitive signage that will transform what we mean by interactivity. In the future, signage will look and listen and feel, responding…

Digital Signage the Journey to InfoComm

Suffice it to say, at one time the AV and digital signage communities were at separate ends of the spectrum. While using some of the same technologies, their “agendas” were…

Target is now in Times Square- Article in 16:9

Attention Target shoppers and digital signage enthusiasts: Target is now in Times Square. In early April, the retailer opened its 10th Manhattan location on 42nd Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues and…

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