DSF, Industry, and Member news all in one place

Austin’s Capital Metro’s Trusted Partnership Brings About Solar-Powered, Real-Time Information Displays
CHK America’s sister company, Connectpoint®, will provide a suite of Digital Bus Stop® products set to improve customer service at Austin’s highest volume bus stops Goleta, CA, July 24, 2019…
DSF Announces a Dozen Micro-credential Courses
Quick Links Learn more about DSF Credentialing Programs Read DSF Micro-Credential Course Descriptions DSF Credential License Registration The DSF offers full certification and micro-credential programs. The DSF has partnered with…
iGotcha Media and BrightSign Install Digital Signage in Loto-Quebec Kiosks
Loto-Quebec – a Canadian government organization that oversees all lottery activities throughout Quebec – sought the help of iGotcha Media to create a dynamic menu-based digital signage solution for Loto-Quebec…
Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham, installs new LED and Lightbox powered by Signagelive
Introduction Ambassador Theatre Group wanted their architects’ vision to be implemented through LED and a Lightbox on site to display the theatre name as well as listings for their shows….
Poster Machine at New York City’s Poster House
By Paul Fleuranges, DSF Board Member Poster House, New York City’s newest museum, is the first such institution in the United States dedicated exclusively to posters. This unique exhibition fills…