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Online Articles

Ryder Keeps Customers Safe and Informed with BrightSign and Creative Realities

Los Gatos, CA, February 19, 2020 – BrightSign, LLC®, the global market leader in digital signage media players, today announced its continued collaboration with Creative Realities Incorporated (CRI) to integrate…

Preparing to Attend the DSE

The Digital Signage Expo (DSE) is the officially endorsed and sponsored trade show of the Digital Signage Federation (DSF). The DSF, along with our certification partner, the Digital Signage Experts…

Featured Course and Author- “Video Wall Applications” by Ray Brooksby

Each week the DSF will be highlighting a course and course author from the DSF Online Micro credential learning program Featured Course Course Name: Video Wall Applications Course Author: M….

Ray Brooksby

Author Name: M. Ray Brooksby Company and Position: Sales, Latin America and the Caribbean, BrightSign – Courses Taught: Video Wall Applications About the Author:Ray Brooksby joined BrightSign in April 2011…

2020 DSF Educator of the Year Award Nomination

The Digital Signage Federation’s Alan C. Brawn Educator of the Year Award recognizes a deserving individual within our digital signage industry who exemplifies a willingness to share a broad spectrum…