DSF, Industry, and Member news all in one place

Nanonation is Named an Approved BrightSign Integrated Partner
Los Gatos, CA – July 22, 2021 – Nanonation is the latest digital signage vendor to have its content management system (CMS) to earn the status of approved BrightSign Integrated Partner. This new…
DSF Ignite Award Nominations Deadline Extended
Award Deadline Extended Until August 17 The Digital Signage Federation 2020 awards were presented in January 2021. These awards have been renamed The Ignite Awards. Nominations for the awards are…
New Jersey Mega-Mall Extends Outdoor Digital Signage Network
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ―Work continues apace at entertainment destination venue American Dream, as SNA Displays completes the installation of several key EMPIRE™ Exterior LED screens, with more to come. The vast development, which stretches…
Open Hour Networking Tuesday- Thursday this Week
As part of certification week the DSF and DSEG are hosting networking times each day after instruction. These times are open to all to connect and will start with a…
Certification Week – June 22-24
The Digital Signage Federation and the Digital Signage Experts Group Announce Digital Signage Certification Week in June 2021 (Updated June 9, 2021) Three-Day Event Will Offer Two Certification Courses June…